• Santa Severina
  • L'Agriturismo
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  • Itinerari
  • Le Puzelle 18

Menu di Capodanno 2016

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)
Menu di CAPODANNO 2016
  • Aperitivo di benvenuto con prosecco di Valdobbiadene docg e fantasia di tartine
  • Tortino di patate e gamberi, baccalà dorato, fiocchi di crudo, bocconcini di latte, ricottina, polpettina di carne, frittella broccoli e alici, zampone e lenticchie
  • Paccheri al ragù di podolica
  • Millefoglie carciofi e salmone
  • Medaglioni di tonno al profumo di agrumi delle Puzelle
  • Filetto al vino rosso con patate silane
  • Buffet di dolci e frutta secca
  • Musica e balli per salutare il nuovo anno

Euro 50 a persona


  • Cena del 31 Dicembre (come sopra) + pernottamento
  • Pranzo del 1 Gennaio 2016

Euro 89 a persona

Menu di Capodanno 2016 - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote
Natural Farmhouse and Restaurant

Natural Farmhouse and Restaurant

The 'agriturismo' (farmhouse accommodation) Le Puzelle can be found in the 'Marchesato' region of the province of Crotone, about half a kilometre from the historical centre of Santa Severina, a medieval town known particularly for its impressive, and completely restored, fortified castle. Also of special interest are the Diocesan baptistery and the nearby museum with its many valuable and unique exhibits.

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Ionian coast, and the nature reserve of Capo Rizzuto, and from the stunning Sila mountains – offers tourists culture and nature in abundance. Indeed for those with a passion for nature in all its natural and uncompromising beauty, Le Puzelle is the ideal base from which to explore both the coast and the mountains.

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Le Puzelle 30
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Le Puzelle 37
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Le Puzelle 50
Le Puzelle 7
Le Puzelle 32

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Opening time

Farmhouse: Lun - Dom 7:00 - 24:00
Restaurant: Closed on Tuesdays

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Azienda Agrituristica Le Puzelle