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Le Puzelle



The city of Santa Severina was founded by the Enotrians, who lived in this region before the Greek colonizers arrived. The antique historians called this place Siberene. Only little is known from the Graeco-Roman period. However, archaeological excavations prove that the Greeks and Romans were the founders of blossoming settlements. Byzanz ruled from 1073-74, only interrupted by a short Arabian interlude (840-886). Previously the byzantinians turned Siberene into an important religious center, that was to be the home of a pope: Zachary, pontiff from 741 to 752. In the 10th century, the city got its modern name: Santa Severina. Between 1075 and 1076 the Normans ruled the city, lead by Robert the Guiscard. From this point on, Santa Seveverina was subject to the many power struggles that raged in Southern Italy for centuries. Nevertheless, the city remained an important cultural and religious place. The rule by the house of Aragón was followed by the Anjou. Those were superseded by feudal lords such as the Carafa, the Ruffo and the Grutter at the threshold of the 19th century.



The fascinating geographical location - exactly between the coasts of the Ionic sea and the mountains of Sila - turns Santa Severina into an ideal starting point for all kinds of excursions and trips to touristic highlights such as the Isola Capo Rizzuto (maritime nature reserve), Le Castella and Crotone; or to the Florentine abbey San Giovanni in Fiore, Lorica, Camigliatello and Trepidò in the mountains, where wonderful pine woods and the lakes of Sila can be discovered. Nature awaits you - whether in Santa Severina itself or in its vicinities. The mountain Fuscaldo (625 m) that was described by the Greek poet Theocritus (ca. 305-250 BC) in his fourth idyll has kept its fascination until today. The luxuriant Mediterranean macchia, the woods, the views - this region is esteemed very highly by all lovers of nature. Not long ago, this paradise - featuring rare animals; especially birds such as the "capovaccaio" and the black stork - was recognized as a nature reserve.



The history of Santa Severina can be found in its complex monuments that turn this little center of the Crotonese "Marchesato" into a true pearl of Calabria's historical-cultural panorama.




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 Santa Severina

Abbazia Florense - San Giovanni in Fiore

Abbazia Florense - San Giovanni in Fiore

Inizio dell'itinarario da San Giovanni in Fiore con sosta di circa un ora per visitare l'Abbazia Florense e Museo Demologico.

Lago Arvo

Lago Arvo

Dopo si prosegue per Lorica con sosta al Lago Arvo

Monte Botte Donato

Monte Botte Donato

si continua percorrendo la strada panoramica "delle vette" con sosta sul Monte Botte Donato, cima più alta tra le montagne della Sila

Camigliatello Silano

Camigliatello Silano

quindi discesa verso Camigliatello Silano, con visita del Parco Old Calabria

Lago di Cecita

Lago di Cecita

volendo si può proseguire verso la foresta millenaria della "Fossiata", costeggiando il Lago di Cecita.




Castello di Carlo V - Crotone

Castello di Carlo V - Crotone

Partenza verso Crotone con il suo centro storico e il castello di Carlo V

Capo Colonna

Capo Colonna

proseguire verso Capo Colonna dove è possibile visitare il Museo, l'area archeologica e l'antica Colonna

Spiaggia di Scifo

Spiaggia di Scifo

costeggiare verso le splendide località di Scifo con la sua torre medievale e Alfieri

Riserva Marina di Capo Rizzuto

Riserva Marina di Capo Rizzuto

esplorare le calette di Marinella e Le Cannella fermandosi per un bagno nella riserva marina di Capo Rizzuto, la più grande d'Italia

Le Castella

Le Castella

proseguire fino a Le Castella con il suo maestoso castello in mezzo al mare.proseguire fino a Le Castella con il suo maestoso castello in mezzo al mare.



Per chi si vuole allontanare un po' di più da visitare Copanello, Caminia e Pietragrande con il suo caratteristico scoglio.

Galleria fotografica - 4.8 out of 5 based on 15 votes

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Orari di apertura

Agriturismo: Lun - Dom 7:00 - 24:00
Ristorante: Chiuso al Martedì


Previsioni Meteo

Mostly Cloudy


Santa Severina

Mostly Cloudy

Humidity: 77%

Wind: 27.36 km/h

  • 03 Jan 2019

    Partly Cloudy 0°C -4°C

  • 04 Jan 2019

    Cloudy 0°C -6°C



Azienda Agrituristica Le Puzelle